Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Donuts Kratom Products

The purchase and use of all Donuts Kratom products are subject to the following Terms and Conditions:

As-Is Purchase

All Donuts Kratom products are sold on an “as-is” basis, without any warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Third-Party Representations

Donuts Kratom and its parent company, Marina Technology, LLC, are not responsible or liable for any marketing, guarantees, representations, warranties, or statements made by third parties regarding Donuts Kratom products.

Assumption of Risk

By purchasing Donuts Kratom products, the purchaser confirms they have read all warnings and instructions on product labels and agrees to assume all risks, liability, and responsibility for any use of the product that is inconsistent with the directions or instructions provided on the label.

Warning Sharing Requirement

The purchaser agrees to share all warnings, labels, disclaimers, and these Terms & Conditions with any end user of the products.

Limitation of Liability

As a condition of purchase, the purchaser agrees not to hold Marina Technology, LLC, its members, managers, officers, employees, insurers, agents, or affiliated parties liable for any claims, damages, or causes of action that may arise from the purchase or use of Donuts Kratom products. This includes, but is not limited to, claims related to:

  • Warranties, negligence, or failure to warn.

  • Physical or psychological injuries, addiction, adverse events, or health consequences, including death.

  • Personal injury or property damage, including loss of use, lost profits, or revenues.

  • Punitive damages or any other consequential damages stemming from the purchase or use of Donuts Kratom products.

By completing a purchase, the purchaser acknowledges and agrees to these Terms & Conditions and assumes all responsibility for the safe and appropriate use of Donuts Kratom products.